
[2016-01-04] 2기 인턴십 OT

DREAM 3884

오늘 DREAM 2 인턴십 오리엔테이션이 있었습니다! 한동로스쿨 재학생 1 학동대학교 재학생 2명으로 이루어진 이번 드림 2 인턴님들은 OT 통해 HALC(Handong Arise Legal Clinic) DREAM 히스토리에 대해 듣고, 서로를 알아가고, 인턴십 기간 동안 바라는 것들을 적어보고, E-6 비자에 대해 배워보는 시간들을 가졌습니다.

Today, DREAM gave an orientation of the winter internship program to our new interns! The number of the interns are three; one is a Handong International Law School student, and the other two are Handong Global University students. During the orientation, they learned about the history of HALC (Handong Arise Legal Clinic) and DREAM, got to know each other, wrote a list of what they wish to happen during the internship, and learned about E-6 visa.