
[2016-02-23] E-6-2 비자 쟁점토론회

DREAM 4824

E-6-2 비자 쟁점토론회가 서울 정동 프란치스코 교육회관 212호에서 진행 중입니다.

The forum for E-6-2 visa is going on at #212 of the Franciscan Education Center.

E-6-2 비자란 취업비자로서 비자를 받은 외국인들은 (전문방송활동이 아닌정해진 공연장에서 가수  연주자곡예사  마술사 등으로 활동할  있습니다.

E-6-2 visa is a working visa of Korea and holders of this visa may work in Korea as a singer or instrumental player, acrobat or magician at registered facilities.

안타깝게도 E-6-2 비자를 소지한 많은 외국인 여성들이 업소에서 손님을 대상으로 성적인 서비스  성매매를 하도록 강요 받고 있는데요이러한 문제는 벌써 수십  동안 지속되어오고 있습니다.

Sadly, many foreign women with E-6-2 visa have been forced to offer sexual services and/or prostitution for several decades.

오늘 토론회에서 E-6-2 비자 문제에 대해서그리고 각국의 대처 방안에 대해서 나누고어떻게 하면  문제를 해결할  있을지를 토론하는 시간을 가지고 있습니다.

The forum is focusing on E-6-2 visa related issues in Korea and other countries’ (especially, Japan) efforts to improve entertainment visa. And the participants will have a time to discuss how to solve the issues.